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Follow @SilverKeyGamesUpdate | Duel Mission Change, Bug Fixes and Small QOL Improvements For a long time I've wanted to change the Duel mission to require only the sending of duel requests rather than the winning of duels. This is to enable players to progress the story even if there are few players online with which to duel. I finally made this change today. The risk here is that duel requests become a bit spammy. So we will see how it goes. I also fixed a few bugs and typos as well as adding the item condition of your equipped items to the box that displays them on the Store page. This should make shopping a bit easier. I will also be purging teams who only have players who haven't been online in a long time. This is to free up team slots and get rid of stagnant money in the game. Thanks to players who reported bugs and typos and thank you to everyone playing! |
Aug 24, 2022 |
Update | Bug Fix in Equipment Condition Fixed a bug which caused equipment to not degrade below 1% and for broken items to still count as equipped and usable. |
Oct 22, 2021 |
News | Game Updated & End Of Round!! I decided to pull the trigger and launch the new game code - everything all at once. The game is currently in End Of Round - congratulations to Mirkotatto - and all the new features for Round 2 are up as well. There is an end of round event, which players can get involved in. After that, I will be resetting the game for a new round! I know this has taken quite a while- thank you everyone for your patience. |
May 17, 2021 |
News | Game Software Update In Progress I've decided not to wait for the 'perfect' time or a state of total completeness, and just try to get the new features and round-end trigger code out there. This involves a big undertaking to update the codebase several versions of the PHP programming language. Been working on this today. For anyone interested in following the technical progress of this I'm Tweeting about it here: @SyntaxSeed. |
May 14, 2021 |
News | Status Update Dec End of round features are complete. We are now working on some new goodies for Round 2! |
Dec 21, 2017 |
Update | Duel Challenges Extended To make the duel mission a bit easier, the expiry of duel invites has been extended, and the duel mission made a bit easier. |
Dec 21 2017 |
News | Back in Action! Where did the time go? Ug. I apologize for the almost year long hiatus. Life and babies, and paid-work jumped onto the top of my priorities, as it so often does. However, I've been working on various game projects, and Roboid development is now also ramping back up. I am finishing the current Round 2 change I've been working on - more small changes to tamp down on the rampant inflation. I plan to launch the End of Round detection pretty soon, and then Round 2. There won't been any big earth-shattering new features, but I hope to continue building in small improvements, even as Round 2 takes off. My ultimate goal is the next Season of story missions. See you around, and thanks for playing! |
May 07 2017 |
News | EOR Prep DONE!! For real! We are happy to announce that the work we needed to do for the End of The Round are done and tested! We will launch those once we have most of the Round 2 new stuff almost ready, so we can launch Round 2 soon after Round 1 ends. The first small Round 2 feature is done already - another cool activity for Teams. Meanwhile, we're working on a few more new treats for Round 2, and we'll keep you posted. If you'd like to be involved in the End of Round events and celebrations, follow us on Twitter or Facebook @SilverKeyGames. Cheers! |
Aug 23 2016 |
News | End Of Round Prep Underway We are currently working on changes to the site to detect the End Of Round trigger (a Superweight player attains their # of wins and beats the champ NPC) and to execute end of round features. Not much to see but these are necessary changes. We will then be working on some new features for Round 2! |
Apr 05 2016 |
Update | Minor Update to Team Pay Out UI First contribution from SilverCel as he learns the ropes. This small update adds a convenience button in the Pay Out section of the team management page. The button automatically calculates and sets the max payout amount for you (no more need to copy paste the team bank readout and delete non numbers). Also, the Pay Out input now only accepts numbers from 0 to the team bank's current total. |
Mar 09 2016 |
Update | Inflation Control Measures Part 1 The game has additional methods of earning money that it did not have at the beginning of the round (such as Teams, Engineering, selling materials, etc). So player cash is growing rapidly. The first part of controlling this is reducing Competition payouts (the main source of rampant cash in later classes), adding a small cost to training after Amateur and multiplying the base repair cost by the robot's class. Later we will be adding exciting new things to spend your hoards of cash on! |
Feb 27 2016 |
Update | Teams Adjustment The costs of team Activities (Slander & Pep Rally) have been lowered to encourage more use. The team 'Team Rocket' has been removed from the league due to inactivity. Various bug fixes. |
Feb 22 2016 |
Update | Holiday Event & New Feature The lottery page now accepts donations of children's toys in exchange for lottery tickets. During the holidays there is a special toy drive going with bonuses for toy donations. |
Dec 16 2015 |
Feature | New Holiday Feature: Lottery + New Bot Graphics A fun new addition to the game added in time for the holidays is a weekly lottery found under The Exchange. We plan to have a holiday event which earns players lottery tickets. Our first set of new, custom bot graphics has replaced the previous set of 'Warmongers' stock graphics. Thank you Julia (user Hallie) for your awesome work! |
Dec 06 2015 |
Update | Store Sell From Inventory Players can now sell weapons, armor, items and materials to the General Store directly from their Inventory page, by clicking on the words 'Store Sell:' which are underlined. Equipped items and items on the AfterMarket cannot be sold this way. Materials are sold one at a time. Makes things a bit simpler to get rid of your junk when Engineering equipment. |
Dec 03 2015 |
Update | Misc Adjustments and Bug Fixes Rarities have been adjusted. Specialty materials are now MORE common, with a lower store-sell value. Fixed timer icons not working right when in fight lobby. HQ page New Trainers list now only shows trainers who have purchased their first bot. Author-less [quote] BBCODEs now work. Char-limit count on forum comment field fixed and various other forum quoting/editing minor bugs (from Bugs forum). NPCs and Citizens will do random tagging to keep things a bit balanced throughout the day. |
Dec 02 2015 |
Feature | NEW! Engineering / Crafting! I'm very excited to announce that the crafting feature, called Engineering has been launched! You'll now find a Workbench page in your Garage. Here, players who have completed Season 1, can engineer their scavenged materials into Weapons, Armor, and Items! Check out the Instructions page for some help on this new feature. We will be watching closely and making bug fixes and adjustments as needed. Please report any problems or questions in the Forum. |
Nov 16 2015 |
Update | NPC Shopper in the AfterMarket During each nightly database prune, there is a chance that a citizen of the Capitol will buy an item listed in the AfterMarket. This applies to older (stale) listings which are listed for a reasonable price. Why? This helps remove items from the game, and creates a base-line demand for equipment. |
Nov 16 2015 |
Update | Hacking Tweak Decrypting certain files will reveal double the number of account #s. There is a clue as to which files contain double. Do you spend threat looking for these special files, or do you take what you have? |
Nov 16 2015 |
Update | Inventory and Rank-Up Changes In preparation for engineering/crafting, the base # of inventory slots everyone has, has been increased by 5 (as always, you gain another slot every 2nd level). A new Trainer Rank reward has been added: every 10th level you will gain a very rare and valuable Specialty engineering material. Make sure your inventory has room! |
Nov 15 2015 |
Update | Materials and Scavenging Changes Some small changes to prepare for engineering/crafting: Material rarities are now color-coded. The scavenging grid now has MORE potential items and hazards hidden in it. Making it harder but potentially more rewarding. Material rarities have been slightly adjusted to make the more rare materials a bit more common. Finally, Junk weapons, Junk armor, and GPS Unit now have a base value of 5X the others of their rarity. This is the store-sell price... but players will find much more demand for these selling to eachother. |
Nov 10 2015 |
Update | NPC Stances and NPC Duels Some tiny changes I've wanted to get in for a while: NPC opponents you fight in Competitions will now use the same stance with you for a short period of time. This means studying your fights can gain you an edge in a following combat. Second, the duel page will now hide the Wager Amount box when duelling an Event NPC such as TheCity's Ghost. The wager amount was ignored anyway so this makes it less confusing. |
Nov 05 2015 |
Update | Level Up and Referral Bonuses + Event Tweaks A few new treats: Gaining a new trainer Rank (level) now resets ALL your timers, in addition to the other bonuses like shorter timers, cash and inventory slots. Also, a week of Contributor Status is now a possible prize for referring a friend to Roboid with your referral link! Also, the profile page of Event Characters now shows a clear ATTACK button if you have unlocked duels, and the Comms:Events page now shows any currently active event at the top, in case you forget what the popup said. |
Nov 02 2015 |
Update | New Nav Kits Rounding out the Nav Kits are two, even better versions... now for sale in the main store. These kits may be attractive to richer players or those who are serious about scavenging for materials and dominating the crafting market. |
Oct 29 2015 |
Update | Level Up Rate Increase / GPS Unit Change The XP earned and the steepness of the curve for both Calibration Skill level and Classifieds Job Level have been adjusted to make these level up faster. Hopefully to keep in time with extimated length of rounds. Will adjust if needed. Also increased the odds of a multi-point or half-time calibration. The GPS unit crafting material found while scavenging has been changed from a rare item to an uncommon item. All existing items in the database have been adjusted. Anyone with a unit on the market might want to adjust the price. This change is in preparation for a simplified version of crafting that is in the works. |
Oct 27 2015 |
Update | SuperWeight NPCs & Stat Gain Speed Up The NPCs for the SuperWeight class have been added. Removed NPCs from HQ page leaderboards. Also, times for calibrating and training have been dramatically lowered to speed up game play. When the final player beats SuperWeight, a new round will begin! Also, just changed, the win requirements for moving to the next class have been lowered. I expect quite a few notifications to go out to players who are already above the new number. You must still beat the champ, and save up money for your next bot and new weapons! |
Jul 16 2015 |
Update | Team Update: Seasons The year is now divided into four 3-month seasons. The first Friday of Jan, Apr, Jul and Oct will give a double-size win based prize and reset all fan #s. This will give new teams a fighting chance to compete. |
Jun 24 2015 |
Update | General Store Real Inventory The general Equipment Store now has real inventory. Each night it gets a fresh selection and when a player buys something, it's gone. If all items are purchased the store will get fresh inventory. The inventory is the same for all players who shop. So if you see something you like, buy it before someone else does. Specialty armor is no longer sold in the store (it will be craftable only). |
May 21 2015 |
Update | Classifieds Completed Finished entering the remainder of the classified descriptions for all 10 levels for each job. Whew, lots of brainstorming and typing! Also, the faction bonus classified now earns skill XP for a random skill, instead of none. |
May 20 2015 |
Update | Crafting Materials AfterMarket Crafting materials can now be bought and sold on the player AfterMarket. |
May 14 2015 |
Feature | New: Crafting Materials Launched the first stage of the crafting feature- being to find, own and sell crafting materials. The base inventory limit has been bumped up to compensate. This gives players a chance to test out the inventory/scavenging changes and start collecting materials. Still to come: selling materials on the AfterMarket, and using materials to craft equipment! |
May 12 2015 |
Feature | New: Floating Indicator Bar An experimental new feature. The indicator bar (with your timer icons) along with your bank balance and bot HP have been set up to float and stick to the top of your browser window if you scroll below them. Effectively keeping them on-screen at all times. This will be a trial period and we'll collect feedback on this feature in the General Discussion forum. If you experience strangeness with this feature, first try refreshing, clearing your browser cache and/or restarting your browser, before reporting problems. If it persists, please name your browser and version # along with the issue in the forum thread set up for this topic. For the most part, this wraps up our clean-up phase. On to the next feature... |
May 06 2015 |